понедельник, 5 ноября 2012 г.

Home Moodboarding

Home Moodboarding

After over a year of trawling the London property market, we’re all set to (finally) move into our new abode at the end of the summer, but not before getting to put my own touch on the place. In the last month, my nightly googling sessions (not as dodgy as it sounds I promise) have revolved around paint colours, radiators, sofa styles, DIY tips and general interiors porn. Yep, my attention has officially shifted to all things home so before I can start sharing pictures of my new flat, I thought I’d give you an insight into my mental moodboard I’ve been compiling recently. We’re lucky that the flat is lovely already but I’m so ready to finally have make somewhere exactly (or thereabouts) how I want it.

Let me know what you think and if any of you have any decor or moving tips… Always on the look out for new interiors stores too if you have any favourites you don’t mind sharing!


Wishbone Chairs

My dream dining chairs, I feel like I’ve been really over-pinning these lately. It feels very grown-up but I’m at that point where I kind of want to invest in some furniture that will last forever and I feel like these are the one. Extra beautiful with a clean, white table.


Shower Shelves

Every time I’ve stayed at Babington House or Soho Farmhouse, I get a thrill out of their shower shelves. Yes, I’m that person. I’m sorry there’s just something so satisfying about them and I love the idea of feeling like you’re in a really, really good hotel at home so I’ve always had a bit of a dream of having one of my own, so much so its become a bit of a non-negotiable feature for me. One of those little things that makes a simple bathroom feel that bit more luxurious.


Brass Pendant Lamps

One of my first purchases were three brass pendant lights (from Pooky if interested) to install over our dining table. My love for brass covers pretty much all kinds of lighting; it took all my will power not to buy wall, ceiling and table lamps in that burnished gold colour. But first and foremost I’ve got my sights set on those three pendants to hang over my dining table.


Dark Kitchens

I love clean, bright whites for nearly everything but to me, there’s not much chicer than a dark kitchen. I’m still toying between black, navy and dark grey and am gathering paint samples as we speak so the jury’s still out on that one. And yes, brass and marble are a recurring theme.


Open Shelves

Part of me hopes some open shelves for glasses and ceramics will actually help keep me tidy and uncluttered, the other thinks its the worst idea ever because my mess will be revealed to all. Still, these do look mighty pretty and I’ve been reading ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ to help so I’m feeling up for the challenge.


Grey Grout & Brass Fixtures

Brass again but let’s talk about grey grout. Now there’s a sentence I didn’t envisage ever writing on here… Who knew I would covet a particular type of grout, but here I am doing just that. Industrial and practical, I love how the brass balances it all out and makes it look polished.


Indigo Cushions

The majority of my furniture is neutral so I like to add colour with art, throws and cushions. My obsession with cushions is almost akin to bags and black boots at this point and right now, I can’t stop putting ‘indigo cushions’ into Etsy. I’ve yet to find the perfect ones but I love this colour for adding a little bit L.A to grey London.


Warm Wood

It’s funny how things come back around. I spent so long hating on warm-toned varnished wooden furniture, painting everything and anything I could get my hands on white, and yet now I’m finding myself really drawn mid-century wooden pieces, especially when topped off with marble (obvs). In an otherwise neutral flat, I feel vintage pieces like this make for a really nice contrast and add a bit of eclectic interest and save the whole thing from looking like a showroom.


Antique Rugs

Another way to add colour to a neutral space. I met the lovely Frances Loom recently whose antique rugs are pretty much perfect and I’m itching to get my hands one one. I even like them layered up at the corners in larger rooms and contrasted with modern furniture in glass, leather and brass.

All pics via Pinterest and Tumblr


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Original article and pictures take www.fashionmenow.co.uk site

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